Lead Conference Was A Hit

Lead Conference Was A Hit

I recently attended the National Lead and Healthy Housing Conference in Savannah, Georgia. I was naturally most interested in Lead and how the country handles the lead problem.  The movers and shakers in the field were all there. What I heard loud and clear is that...
I Just Recertified My RRP

I Just Recertified My RRP

I just had a wonderful day of RRP Refreshment. It is hard to believe it has been 3-years since my last online class. It just sneaks up on you. The curriculum hasn’t changed much from the initial class but the booklet was updated and I think it has been...
Lead Locators By Lumetallix

Lead Locators By Lumetallix

Lead Locators is the proud new USA distributor of Lumetallix lead test kits. One kit will allow someone to do at least 100 tests. The green product is full strength and can test down to 500 PPM. That is 10x more than is needed for Professional Use. Why you ask? I have...