Direct Environmental Lead Detection by Photoluminescent Perovskite Formation with Nanogram Sensitivity
There is an urgent need for the detection of lead pollution. This study introduces a new lead detection method for the direct rapid testing and mapping of the environment.

Researchers hijack solar cell technology to develop a simple spray test for lead
AMOLF researchers have used the special properties of perovskite semiconductors to develop a simple spray test to demonstrate the presence of lead. Perovskite is a material suitable for use in LEDs and solar cells, for example.

Illuminating lead with glowing perovskites
A simple spray converts lead contamination into glowing green perovskites, visible under ultraviolet light. Chemists were trying to make semiconductor materials called perovskites when they found that lead in the environment triggers the same material to form.

Lead-based paint detection using perovskite fluorescence and X-ray fluorescence
Ingestion of flakes of Pb-based paint by infants remains a health hazard with life-long consequences throughout the world. Pb-based paint was banned for residential use in the US and Western Europe decades ago but is still sold in many countries. This study evaluates the performance of a new kit for detecting exposed Pb-based paint.

Direct environmental lead detection by photoluminescent perovskite formation with nanogram sensitivity
.Although the global ban of leaded gasoline has markedly reduced lead poisoning, many other environmental sources of lead exposure such as paint, pipes, mines, and recycling sites remain. Existing methods to identify these sources are either costly
or unreliable.