Getting started: I found lead, now what?
The one thing we have learned is that lead is everywhere. It used to be the invisible threat, but that is a thing of the past if you are using our Lumetallix instant Lead Test kit. Below are some strategies to eliminate hysteria and share the tools, techniques and proven processes for dealing with lead. We are here to help if you need more guidance. The CDC has guidelines for testing children. Each state and local municipality deals with it differently. Typically your pediatrician is the decision maker as to if or when children should be tested. Normally a strong suspicion is the indicator of testing, however lead is not just in paint of older houses anymore. Now that we can see it with the Lumetallix Instant Lead Test Kit.
The primary risk comes from Inhalation and ingestion. Here is how we suggest you deal with it once you have identified a lead containing component.
Here are 4 ways in which we deal with it:
1) Cleaning, (The act of using a washcloth with soap and water then rinsing and washing hands. HEPPA vacuuming is part of this)
2) Stabilization, (The act of covering lead paint with latex paint)
3) Encapsulation (The act of adding a layer of solid material on top of a leaded component like siding)
4) Abatement (The act if removing leaded components because they are leaded)
How to deal with lead paint

Lead paint was used because it went on smoothly and lasted a long time. Over time it fails because of friction and as it dries, it chalks which eventually falls on horizontal surfaces. It was used for anti mold purposes and it stood up to UV rays from the sun. We typically find it on the outside of homes and on trim work inside. Occasionally it was used on walls of bathrooms and kitchens.
Chalking and friction is why the window trough and window sill are high risk areas. Floors are also high risk for similar reasons. If you should find lead dust here. Clean it up with a wet wash cloth and soap. This process should be added to your regular cleaning. Repainting is also a good idea, this is called stabilization. Once stabilized the new paint should be monitored to maintain a barrier between lead paint and people.
What to do with lead toys

Sometimes lead is used during manufacturing of toys. Why is anyone’s guess. This is criminal in my mind. If it is found, throw the toy into the trash for disposal. (We would like an image to share with others before you do). Then wash your hands.
How to deal with lead in dirt

As paint deteriorates, gravity takes it to the ground. Paint chips are a hazard that you can see, paint dust is not. The dripline of your home is the area beneath the soffit. children should not play in this area and no edible plants should be there either. Once siding is replaced or covered over the existing leaded siding then that soil should be covered with something that separates humans and pets from it. Examples include removing 4″ of soil and replacing it. Adding gravel or grass to separate the soil from human contact. Grass will not grow where lead is present. This could mean that a car battery that leaked is present in a field or near a shop. Test first to see if the soil is leaded. Remove and dispose of lead contaminated soil. Eating white dirt is a thing in parts of the country. It could be leaded, check it.
What to do if there’s lead dust

Dust has been the hardest thing to find until now. Lumetallix Instant Lead Test can allow you to see lead dust amazingly well. Like windows sills and troughs, it should be cleaned up with soap and water if that is practical. Dust can be from chalking as mentioned earlier or a byproduct of disturbing lead-based paint during renovations or repairs. Cleaning with a vacuum is fine as long as it is HEPPA certified. In other words, Lead dust is trapped. Non-HEPPA vacuums will aerosolize the dust and spread the hazard all over creation. Normal Shop Vacuums are typically not HEPPA. Antidotally, renovations that have not been done correctly or heavy dust in an old home could mean that the HVAC Forced air system contaminated. There are companies with vacuum trucks that can suck it out.
What to do with lead jewellery

As we mentioned Lead is everywhere. The risk comes from inhalation and ingestion. Do not suck on your lead jewelry. wash your hands when you take it off. The odds of leaded jewelry getting into your bloodstream are slight as inhalation and ingestion are the two primary routes into your body.
How to take care of lead siding

Wood siding is a real issue. It falls off in chunks and chalks into the soil around the drip line of the home. Removing it is one way. There are strict rules about wrapping the siding in plastic and getting it to the landfill promptly so the risk to children is minimized. We recommend using a bunny suit, (No not that kind) Tyvek shit with gloves and mask etc. then showering after and disposing of the suit. Landfills will gladly except this as normal household waste. Not a good idea to put it in with your normal trash.
Encapsulation is the other tactic, this means adding a layer of siding to the existing siding. This is a great way of kicking the problem down the road. It works and is an approved way of handling lead paint in siding.
Finding lead in pet toys

This is the probably the most under tested thing out there. Children are the primary concern but pets are highly likely to get poisoned by lead. To my knowledge pet toys are not ever tested. So with the Lumetallix instant lead test kit you can be the first ones to find leaded pet toys and (after photographing it) dispose of the toy in the trash.
Detecting lead in dishes, pots, and drinking glasses

Lead is in many things, including dishes, pots, and glass drinking vessels. Having it there is no big deal until you consume something that has been sitting it the leadded thing. Lead leaches out into the thing you are consuming. Just like lead pipes when the liquid is allowed to sit in the vessel the liquid takes on the lead. Can you see the danger now? Do not use leaded things to hold things that will be consumed. Discard them or only use them for decoration. We tested a drinking glass that was sitting on a table once and after moving the glass the leaded ring remained.
How to manage lead in liquids or food

There are local labs that can test your water, they will explain about the 3 draws and what to do if you find it. The Lumetallix instant lead test kit is not capable of screening wet things. Lead has been found in food too so if you have a suspicion the talk to your local health department for testing. The one large investigation that I am aware of discovered lead in some packages of applesauce. That does not mean that all applesauce has lead in it. The contaminated product was discarded and no longer sold. Lead has been discovered in some spices however, there is no specific threat that I am aware of. Antidotally Turmeric and Chilies spices from Mexico may have lead in them. Many Mexican candys are spicy and so having suspicion is good. Do not plant in the dripline of your home. It is possible for plants to Wash your vegetables. A garden can be leaded from dust and some vegitables can absorb lead into them.
Why Choose Us
Using Lumetallix Is The Smart Choice
Make toxic lead instantly visible to the naked eye by applying the Lumetallix reagent, causing lead to light up bright green under UV-light.
- Easy to use – simple three step process
- Accurate – 1000 times more sensitivity than swab tests
- Lab proven – industry recognized results