I was captivated by an investigative piece published by Reuters in 2016. It essentially says we have an epidemic when it comes to lead, and lead testing in America has gone to hell in a handbasket.
Reuters Investigation
Comon Sense Is Not That Comon
You tend to duck and cover when constantly being attacked by all sides. The mandate was to test every kid a few times when something could be done to eliminate the invisible risk of lead. Failing miserably is what they reported on. In whose best interest is it to test kids to eliminate the dangerous poison from entering their little bodies? Everyone, the cost of inaction is calculatable.
I Have A Tool To Fix That
Armed with the knowledge of how dangerous lead is, I discovered a company that had just invented a Nobel-worthy product that can prevent childhood lead poisoning if placed in the hands of those who care: parents, grandparents, public health workers, and anyone else who cares about healthy children; teachers, daycare workers, landlords, and residents of old buildings; Home Inspectors; Paint stores; Big box stores. The list goes on.
Legitimacy Can Not Come Soon Enough
If I scream loud enough, someone will find me. It reminds me of being lost. People, however, need to know we are lost and start looking for a cure for lead poisoning prevention.
As a paramedic, I usually assist search and rescue teams when they find a lost person. Occasionally, we would be asked to help with the search. I recall picking up a lost hunter who was lost overnight in the woods and had become hypothermic. He had done some things that were not too smart, but hypothermia can cause poor judgment; he lost his backpack during the night. He used his gun to shoot three times at a wack to alert others that he was lost. Nobody was listening, so it didn’t work until they realized he was lost and started looking for him. We had to warm him up with a fire so he could eventually walk over treacherous terrain to the aircraft. He was pretty darn close to dying on that mountain before he was rescued.
I’ve Got This
People believe in me and are rooting for me to be found. I will stay the course and find a way to get found. The static is out there, and obstacles are plentiful. All it takes is for someone with the wisdom to become a champion. Will it be you, Mr. Senator? Will it be you, Dr.? Will it be you, Mr. Surgeon General? Will it be you, the head of the CDC, EPA, or HUD? I’m on a trajectory to be found.
What will it take to get found? I am shooting my gun in three-bullet bursts and shooting flares. “Help”. If nobody is listening, then it will take some time. When you are lost, it is essential to stay calm and make your small self seem more significant than you are, like signaling with a mirror, arranging rocks in a formation, leaving a trail, and finding or making a shelter to stay warm. I’ve got this. Those looking will find me because I am making myself very large. I am confident that getting in front of the right person or people will start the ball rolling.
Your comments are welcome. To ask questions or get more information about lead testing, click here to email me directly, or call 208-908-4418
If you or someone you know is lead testing or just wants to speak to a trustworthy guy, please contact me. You’ll be glad you did.
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