Lead Conference Was A Hit

by | Aug 31, 2024 | Healthy Homes | 0 comments

I recently attended the National Lead and Healthy Housing Conference in Savannah, Georgia. I was naturally most interested in Lead and how the country handles the lead problem.  The movers and shakers in the field were all there. What I heard loud and clear is that Public Health Professionals are:

  1. Sick and tired of having low test rates for lead in children’s blood.
  2. They are geared up to investigate when a kid gets poisoned.
  3. They like to celebrate a successful investigation.  

Some areas of the country do better than others at testing children for lead in their blood. The best of the best is around 50%, and the typical is 3-5%. Once they find a leaded child, they are on it like a TV detective. The more the challenge, the more they rise to the occasion. One group got a healthy applause for finding it in apple sauce packages. Resounding rounds of applause were raised for those responsible for finding the culprit.

Our booth at the show

As I listened, It Suddenly Dawned On Me.

My work was focused on contractors and the EPA, who would rather not be bothered. I need to focus my efforts on Public Health and getting the Lumetallix instant Lead Test into the hands of parents, grandparents, and pet owners. If the EPA RRP program wants to talk, we can talk. They seem oblivious to the crisis caused by the 3M swabs exiting the market.

America Needs This Product, So I Am Plowing Ahead.

This Lumetallix Instant Lead Test kit is no joke. We are starting a grassroots operation to verify that the product works on this side of the pond just as well as it performs worldwide. Naturally, there are skeptics, and we want them to be satisfied. The last thing I want to be is a snake oil salesman. I also do not want to start a panic reaction, so we have prepared a page called “I found lead. Now what?” under Resources.

Concerned laboratories are sharing samples of Lead paint found in the wild. Testing is being done at my local university. State and Local Public health officials and Doctors are getting to evaluate and validate the effectiveness of our discovery. This discovery is Nobel-worthy, IMHO. Unsurprisingly, believing we have a fantastic solution to a severe problem will take some time. Nobody wants to hear from a salesman that they have a revolutionary new product.

Your comments are welcome. To ask questions or get more information about lead testing, click here to email me directly, or call 208-908-4418

If you or someone you know is lead testing or just wants to speak to a trustworthy guy, please contact me. You’ll be glad you did.

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